3 Crucial Questions To Ask Before You Co-Sign A Mortgage
Topics: Mortgages / Home Equity
5 Essential tips for painting a house
Topics: Mortgages / Home Equity
4 Critical Tips To Consider When Hiring A Home Contractor
There are many reasons why you might be interested in hiring a home contractor. These professionals are an important part of helping someone attain their dream home. While everyone cares about the price of the contractor, this is not the only factor that you should consider.
Topics: Mortgages / Home Equity
It’s National Data Privacy Day: Get Involved!
January 28th is the national recognition of Data Privacy Day. In today’s digital world, we share more data than ever, and we may not even realize it. Data Privacy Day aims to help consumers and businesses alike get involved in their data privacy practices, and play an active role in protecting their information from malicious sources. Here’s what...
Ways to Save Money While Shopping During Back to School
Back to school sales have already begun, meaning that it's time to start preparing your kids for the upcoming shopping trip. While picking up new supplies is a necessity, it can also become a costly endeavor. Even elementary school students' supplies and clothes can cost upwards of $600, and the number gets higher as kids work their way up the...
Topics: Personal Banking
The Future of Currency in a Digital Age
Paying with cash is no longer a common occurrence and checks are becoming a thing of the past. Consumers rely on credit and debit cards to make most payments.
Recent technological financial developments have spawned the creation of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the most popular type and most promising replacement for traditional currency.
The Rise of Digital Payments
Checks (or cheques) have been around for centuries, but a 2013 Federal Reserve study marked the decline in usage; check payments decreased by over 50 percent while mobile payments, card payments, and direct deposits tripled. Subsequent studies only confirm it: Checks are steadily becoming antiques. Instead of sending paychecks, companies opt to...
The Origin of Money
From coins and paper currency to digital and cryptocurrency payments, money has come a long way. People have used currency as a way of trading goods for centuries, and now, with the rise of technology, the way we use currency is shifting.
Topics: Personal Banking
Community Bank Regulation Relief Act Signed Into Law
On May 24, 2018, President Trump signed the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act into law. The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) advocated for its passage, saying that this would help Main Street communities across the nation by assisting with consumer access to business and credit lending. With this law,...
Topics: Business Banking
May Is Military Appreciation Month
At CBC, we consider every month military appreciation month. Our business has supported military veterans and veteran groups since we opened our doors. We understand the extensive contributions our military members make to our country. Many of our employees are veterans themselves, representing every branch of the military. We take pride in...
Topics: Mortgages / Home Equity