CBC Blog

Title: Scam Alert – Phone Phishing Scam Targets Seniors

October 17, 2017 by Mike Brooks

Phone Phishing Scam Targets Seniors

A new voice phishing scam is targeting elderly customers by claiming that their grandchild is in jail. Newly defrauded victims have police looking to identify the 3 suspects in the above photos who are involved in a voice phishing scam. An unknown suspect called an 81-year-old victim and purported to be his grandson. The victim was told by the suspect that his attorney would be calling with instructions to help him get out of jail. The victim was contacted by a second suspect and instructed to make four deposits into two Bank of America accounts. Both accounts are out of Kissimmee, Florida. Any money sent to the accounts is withdrawn the day after.

The victim was also instructed to FedEx $63,500 cash in an envelope inside a magazine to an address in Orlando. The suspect who called the victim identified himself as Daniel Moore and said he was from the Monroe County Public Defender's Office. The suspect was very knowledgeable of the Kissimmee area. The victim has no information on the phone number from which the call came.

While the majority of complaints about this scam have come from the Kissimmee area, it is important to note that the scam is not confined to that area. A CBC National Bank customer also had this scam attempted on them;If anyone has a case involving these individuals or can identify the suspects from the photographs, please contact the following:


Lisa Spallina


Monroe County Sheriffs Office MCSO

Work Phone: (585) 753-4795

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Categories: Financial Education